Reflections on life, truth, faith, love, introspection, and transformation.

Sitting with those I love

Sitting with those I love, I learn to trust that they love me.
I learn that it's safe.
Listening to those I love, I learn to see patterns that were hidden.
I learn to see what I don't because they do.
Opening to those I love, I learn of emotions beneath the surface.
I learn to feel.
Watching those I love, I learn to accept and care for my flaws.
I learn to grow.
Feeling that which belongs to those I love, I learn how connected we are.
I learn empathy.
Helping those I love, I learn how powerful I can be.
I learn to love.
Projecting onto those I love, I find shadow dancing with light.
I learn how to look in the mirror.
Sitting with those I love, I learn to trust that we share love.
I learn to live.