☮️ A quiet place to write about loud emotions 🧘

A beach bomb

Day 29

I woke up in a dream today
sitting on an island
looking out on a black beach
beneath a starlight night

I felt the breeze first
then got up and walked towards the break
the water nipped at my toes
and swirled around my feet

emerald spirals bloomed
and white iris's blossomed
as I walked away from the shoreline

Behind me, I could feel heat
So I let myself turn
A single firelight in the distance

I dove into the darkness
As phoenix fire bloomed above

When I lived by the coast, at least once a week id dream a bomb would explode just near the pier. It was never to the extent that you'd see in Terminator 2, but pretty close. Since we've moved more inland, its been nice. Those dreams went away. Now they are replaced by forgetting my mask in a large event or chasing a small child through comic con.

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