☮️ A quiet place to write about loud emotions 🧘

Hey Listen ...

Day #1 Introductions

Ancient roads that many grass blades tore
The sunlight it's only option
Pave its way upward through the old blood torn cobble
All to feel the rain again


Hi 👋 , my alias is Acererak ( I disliked his poetry/clue in the tomb of annihilation so I'm borrowing his name ) and I'm just a geek that forgot after years of working in tech that writing for enjoyment feels really good. So I am going to try to start again here and see what happens.

If not now then when, 2020 🔥

If you like what what I'm writing, support me on ko-fi

You can also see moar ramblings here at https://writing.exchange/@acererak Also that is where I write out my more day to day thoughts and reflections.

Thanks again to #100daytooffload and too YOU for reading.