☮️ A quiet place to write about loud emotions 🧘


Day 52

in each moment thoughts do swell
pushing – pressing prose
behind thin veils.

until at last we force ourselves;
a moments ponder

this precocious dream
born from so little
that its birth was unforeseen.

how is life in a way
different than any thought
we have throughout the day

the passion
the pain?

that tiny spirit from deep
that drove itself ever forward

until that thought is all we feel
all we see
over visions of green days
or black chalky skies
or old memories

it's the thoughts we see when we close our eyes
thoughts born from that unforeseen
given life – deliberate


Been reading more work by Albert Camus and found this quote: In the depth of winter, I finally learned that within me there lay an invincible summer. – its always nice when you find something you remember hearing and FINALLY have a person to attribute it to.

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