Dreaming again
Day 10
a seed was born from nothing
while the child slept
suitable soil was found in dreams
germinating from its hosts regret
before long, the strange sapling grew
at first upwards than flowing out
each limb stretching to new horizons
a wave of growth, thriving, brought about
once the tree had settled
each leaf and branch shook
within her dream she found it
a vision of this oak
its shadow was a sunset
the first one she'd ever seen
the trunk the color of fresh snow
radiating a soft sheen
her eyes continued journeying
moving over each multicolored leaf
she saw in them memories
petiole pulsing thief
in a moment she was in the vision
near one of the highest branches
nestling into the trees crevasse
enjoying the shimmery rainbow canvas
She lay there for a time
gazing at all she could
She held it all and bore it
until she understood
Then the oak began to speak
gently into her ear
“Breathe” it commanded
And suddenly she disappeared
Happy Friday everyone, I wish you all a great weekend
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