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ipsum books pt 1

Every day I see her
As I sit perched behind this register

My eyes lazily reading whatever book
article, paper
or really anything
with writing on it

id read a guide about remotes
if we had remote book guides in this bookstore
but thankfully we don't

chuckling to myself

we do have, however
a very very large collection
of used, slightly abused books

responsibly priced and haphazardly stocked
and that has made this mystery quite
the juicy plot

Every day I see her, as I look out
more than a child, less than an adult
She moves the door in such a way
The bell doesn't even ring off

I pretend that I don't see her
That I don't watch as she glides through the masses
of unshelved books

That I don't see her go to a very specific spot
and like a bird who's feathers have been
more than often plucked
she finds the barren section,
her section and stops

I see her stand still, fingers gliding over the few books there
till I feel her choose a book
then I hear the floor groan as she sits
I hear the gentle turning of pages
sometimes even a slight hum

I move my eyes back to my literature
then wait,

sometimes it's a hour
sometimes its several more
but eventually i'll feel her presence lapse

a flame suddenly smothered, gone

I never see her leave,
but I do notice the unsettled dust
from the book she's just stolen


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