☮️ A quiet place to write about loud emotions 🧘


Day 15

Love is a worn out flannel shirt

Most days it gets a brighter
Some days a little dimmer
That's ok

Sometimes it gets torn
Other times, people mend it
When I'm finally gone

I hope to look down
and see others
wearing patches from it

Thought id take one of the poems I was going to put on the writing.exchange fediverse and put it here instead. It didn't feel right letting this one go down the river of the fediverse. It needed a proper home.

Last night was something, at 9pm thunder clapped and rain came pouring down. I rushed outside and proceeded to soak myself. August rain is the best. Especially since it was 97 all day.

The rain never fails to bring back memories of laughter, my honeymoon and times that weren't like what we are in today.

I'm glad it's Friday, it's been a long week of work. Hope you find some time to relax. Enjoy the weekend.

100DaysToOffload, visit and write more

#Poetry #Poem #Relax2020