Thoughts and Notes on Software Development

WriteAs.Net 1.2.1

Version 1.2.1 of WriteAs.Net has been released.

This very minor update adds an interface for the WriteAsClient class, which opens it up for use with dependency injection in ASP.NET Core. This allows you to create a single WriteAsClient instance and re-use it when needed, making the caching additions from Version 1.2.0 much more useful.

This also frees me up to make better use of it in the API I'm working on.

You can install it via nuget:
Install-Package WriteAs.NET -Version 1.2.1

Or via the .NET Core command line interface:
dotnet add package WriteAs.NET --version 1.2.1

If you find any bugs or issues with it, please let me know. Thanks and y'all have a good night.

Tags: #DotNet #WriteAs #WriteAsNet

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