Thoughts and Notes on Software Development

WriteAs.Net Update

Due to the rate-limiting feature that the team introduced into their API, a number of my Blazor WASM apps, like the WriteFreely Archive Page Generator I created, have stopped working. All of the related Blazor WASM apps I created, use the WriteAs.Net client/wrapper library that I wrote. And it is actually this client/wrapper library that is running into the rate-limiting problem.

But, as Matt mentioned here, a solution is in place through the use of Application keys.

I've already updated the WriteAs.Net client to make use of Application keys. But before I release the latest version, I also want to give it some caching abilities. That's what I'm working on and testing right now in my spare time. Once that's done, I'll publish the latest version of the WriteAs.Net client to Nuget.

After that, I plan to get the WriteFreely Archive Page Generator working once again. Then I'll work on getting the Search app for my journal working as well.

Tags: #Blazor #WriteAs #WriteAsNet

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