A digital journal

“Fuck Buddies”

Hearthstone buddy season ends today, and this was the last thing we said to each other before logging off for the night. I’m excited to go to Japan with all of them.

My car finally got its VIN assigned; the delivery date is sometime this week, so I am very excited about that! I need to figure out if they approve me for the 1.99% APR, because if not I need to sell stock to buy the car. I should have insurance and everything else sorted out, so I’m excited to get the new car soon. I want to wrap it eventually, but that’s made me think about how money is so disproportionately considered. A wrap would be ~6k for matte PPF, but a trip to Japan with friends for 11 days is 2.5k. It’s a no-brainer what’s a better use of money. A dream computer for me was 1k, with my childhood lottery dream of 3k on a computer. And that’s just the price for a change in color for the car. How crazy relative costs make things.