A digital journal

Gratitude list

For about a year and 3 months now I’ve been keeping a gratitude list on my phone. Every day I write down 5 things I’m grateful for, that made me happy. I want to at some point make a word cloud of it to visualize it, but even without that, I think I’ve learned a lot about myself. I virtually never have put down things like playing games by myself or killing time on TikTok, but consistently I write down my interactions with friends, even things as small as reminders that I have these people as good friends. I find myself putting down S, S, L, and L fairly frequently. Maybe I should target my life more towards things I am grateful for, rather than live life and then later notarize the parts I like. Oh well, let me go to bed at a reasonable time today – I’ve been messing up my sleep schedule a bit too much recently and I want to stop that. Goodnight!