I AM HIM (just like everyone else)
I just now finished a several-month project, essentially within the span of 5 days. This project was meant for two people, and I also have the grad student version of it – but I did it all myself. I am TIRED, and EXHAUSTED, but also incredibly happy with my final app. I also learned a lot, and genuinely enjoyed creating it! Not to nerd out, but good object-oriented programming goes INSANE. I could add more workout plans to my app in like 10 minutes, and EVERY OTHER PART OF MY CODE WOULD INSTANTLY INTEGRATE IT.
I’m so glad I enjoy what I do.
Situation: Someone uploaded part of a video I made for fun (that’s embarrassing) onto their Instagram in a powerlifting video.
Thoughts: I already wanted to private/hide that video, and it’s tucked away. I didn’t even know that they saw this, and I don’t even know this person. Now a ton of people have probably seen it, and it’s also something I’m fairly insecure about because I for some reason thought “Hey, no one’s gonna see this, I don’t have to make any kinda facial expressions”. So I JUST STARE AT THE CAMERA LIKE A PSYCHOPATH, BASICALLY FROWNING. THE ENTIRE TIME. WHILE DANCING.
Feelings: I want to crawl into a hole and die. I will never interact with any of these people again.
Behavior: I isolate myself from this group of people as much as I can, and maybe even ask him to take it down.
Thoughts: Lmao who cares. No one is clowning me for it, and even if they do worst comes to worse I can throw hands pretty well. This isn’t middle school, it does not affect my life if someone makes fun of me for it. I can just get my masters degree and spend time with people who don’t clown me for it lol.
Feelings: It really ain’t that deep lol, and on top of it people don’t seem to find it that cringy. I think it is, but also it really doesn’t matter. It was fun, and I’m glad I made something that I can at least remember.
Behavior: I big chill. 8)
Good fucking yard today Anshuman, you’ve gone crazy this last week. Your new DBT book came, so let’s see how that goes soon enough! Love you man ♥