A digital journal

Things I'm kinda proud of

I had an hour before I had to get ready for bed, so I decided I’d do some homework as a treat, so I’d feel productive. I ended up instead helping a friend with a physics question. I then spent a while chasing down a bug in a person’s code on Discord for the class I’m TA’ing for. Then I helped someone else out with their code, all while I was not being paid.

I don’t really receive any benefit for doing these things, at least not in a way I can see. But I just like helping people. Even in a selfish sense, I just like helping someone out. I’d like to think that in a lot of positions where I was struggling, people have helped me out. I still think about the time a random guy gave me a flower while walking around in IV, just to make my day. I think that’s been the only time I’ve ever gotten flowers. I’m so thankful to that guy for doing that. Or what about when I was new to the gym and how the big scary guys who I thought were laughing at me took the time to help me with form when I asked for help. Or when I went and with a sign to the arbor saying “knock over my card tower”, and how no one wanted to knock it over. In fact, many people helped me when the cards would blow over. Or the time K wanted to drive over to my place when I was in high school late at night because I needed help.

I think people are kind. I’d like to be kind.