Photos. Birbs. Wood. Food.

House Finches

Our house finches are a source of amusement most mornings.

House finch, perched on a yucca stalk

They’re nesting, so often the female is inside the birdhouse, while the male is out standing guard, keeping an eye out for other birds or predators.

House finch, perched on a yucca, singing

And sometimes he sits and sings to us. He can be pretty loud some mornings.

A pair of house finches, one sitting on the hummingbird feeder, and one drinking from the ant trap

They’ve also learned a few tricks this year, like the fact that the ant trap above the hummingbird feeder is a good source of water, and sometimes a tasty ant snack. And if I don’t screw the feeder together quite straight, they can even get a drink of sugar-water from the feeder. I figure that’s okay, since we don’t have a lot of hummingbirds competing with them this year.

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