Welcome to my upcoming book on teaching strategies and advice! This blog will contain helpful articles on teaching in a middle or high school classroom!


Hey! Welcome to Dear Anxious Teacher! My name is Greg. I am a special education/English teacher who has been teaching for close to 15 years. My teaching experiences include teaching in New York City, teaching in out-of-district settings, teaching those with moderate-to-severe disabilities, teaching inclusion classes in public schools, teaching students with ENL needs, and currently teaching those in general education. My experiences also include ABA work and self-direction theories on assisting those with special needs.

My journey in education started with doubts, insecurities, and plenty of anxiety. From sleepless nights, to thinking about leaving the profession in my first few years, I “hung in there”, beat this anxiety monster, grew confidence through experience, and now want to share and help those who were much like my younger self. My first few years were not easy on me, but were probably my most important because of all the lessons learned.

A lot of things learned in graduate school were great in theory, but did not give me the tools or strategies to survive working with pre-teens and teenagers. Feeling unprepared for the realities of the classroom, I read a ton of books, observed great teachers, took professional development classes, and practiced everything to make my teaching experience more rewarding and fulfilling for both my students and me.

These blog articles will offer helpful tips and strategies to help you navigate the classroom. This website is not an exercise in my ego, because I consider myself a student of the game. If someone claims to be an expert, I would double-check and test everything they say. The same applies to this blog. Test everything! Take and steal what you need. One little tip or strategy could make the difference for you in the classroom.

You’re not alone in your feelings and anxieties about teaching. I am here to help and support you. Give the field a few years before making a final judgment on it. You need to stay in the field long enough to feel truly comfortable, and that is when you will truly love this job. Thank you for reading my short biography, and please reach out to me with topics, concerns, and questions. Remember, you got this!

Keep teaching,

Mr. Greg