Apparently, December has felt long enough that I've started writing "2022" in...
Over on my WriteFreely-specific blog, I wrote about building the...
I sold my old Marshall and am now shopping for a smaller practice amp.
Current status: Sipping coffee, watching the kitten who’s perched on the...
Technical Interviews Are Broken, Day 2409
It's #NationalCatDay, so please enjoy this photo of our kitten Merlin.
Paper, Primarily
There's a point where you realize that you can't see if you've adequately...
Every morning, Merlin plunks himself on my desk, between me and my computer...
Sometimes, the single most important thing to do in the morning is: sit on the...
Renaming "Do Not Disturb" to "Focus" in iOS 15, and expanding how the feature...
If you're running the WriteFreely for Mac beta, check for test version updates!...
Elsewhere: Week of August 16, 2021
Elsewhere: Week of August 9, 2021
Something no-one told me about kittens: their parkour sessions are intense, and...
I've seen plenty of smog warnings in my life living in Montreal, but I honestly...
Elsewhere: Week of July 19, 2021
Fairly sure kittens have a hidden toggle switch that flips between...
Working Preferences
Elsewhere: Week of June 28, 2021