Attempts at writing... Short stories, poetry, essays, and a novel someday...


Hello. Thanks for stopping by. If you lost your way while wandering the Internet limbos, I hope you'll stick around for a bit and enjoy what you read.

How to introduce myself… What defines us really, I'm not sure. So maybe I'll just throw some qualifiers in the air, in no specific or meaningful order.

French. And Canadian. But not French Canadian.
Creative. And down to earth.
Passionate dancer.
Avid reader, though not as much as I used to or would like to.
Amateur writer.
Voice actor.
Found a new interest and love for sound creation and podcasts.
Working in broadcast media, on the tech side. For now.
Already had many lives professionally speaking. Will probably have many more. All in cultural/artistic fields though.
Bilingual in French and English.
Learning Mandarin Chinese. Passionate about Chinese language, culture and history. Learning Chinese calligraphy, painting and poetry.
Love drawing, very bad at it.
Yoga practitioner.
Walk everywhere.
Nature lover. But not an outdoor person (I know it's odd).
Advocate for degrowth and sobriety, permaculture, social justice, anti-capitalism, and a bit, or very (depending on who you ask), annoying about it.

This blog will be all about writing: a lot of poems, but also short stories, reviews, and essays/thoughts.
And a novel someday. Maybe. Hopefully. We'll see.
Other places you can find me in the digital world:
          my website

© Unless otherwise specified, everything on this blog belongs to me. Not that it’s worth stealing and claiming it your own, but still, please don’t.