Attempts at writing... Short stories, poetry, essays, and a novel someday...

百万耳语 A Million Whispers

Inspired by Nature series #2

A poem in chinese calligraphy


To each their own place and purpose
An order only known to the attentive observer
A thousand songs and a million whispers
The forest secret is carried away by the wind
This poem was inspired by the enchanted mess of the forest. But a mess only in appearance. Once we pay close attention, we realize that every living being, birds, animals, insects, plants, has a place within this rich ecosystem. And all are equally important. Same goes with each and everyone of us within the rich ecosystem that is humanity. We all have a role to play that is equally essential. It might not be obvious, blurred by the chatter of millions of voices, and this secret, this truth is sometimes escaping our understanding. Which is why we always have to listen and pay attention.

It is my first poem in Chinese, so I hope I'm honouring this beautiful language.
I had submitted this piece to the first International Calligraphy Contest organized by the Dr Sun Yat-Set Classical Chinese Garden in Vancouver with Master Su Jiangang back in Summer 2023, for which I garnered an honourable mention. I was so honoured and humbled by it.

It was such a great challenge for me.
First, I challenged myself to write my very own original poem in Mandarin for it. So I did some research on Chinese poetry to try and understand the rules and secrets. It was a very superficial research but still super interesting, and it's exciting to know how much more there is to discover in this new-to-me territory. The poem, I know, is full of mistakes, incorrect Mandarin as well as improper use of the rules of Chinese poetry, but I tried my very best for it. And let's say it's creative license haha! But I must say, I'm so freakin' proud of myself no matter how bad it might be.
It was also a great opportunity to practice my calligraphy, which I find so soothing and meditative, and so meaningful at the same time. I practised each character over and over. Of course I can see all the flaws, imbalances and wrong proportions, but again, I'm proud of it nonetheless.

#poetry #poems #nature #forest #chinese #mandarin #calligraphy #english #inspiredbynatureseries