Attempts at writing... Short stories, poetry, essays, and a novel someday...

Daily Haiku prompt May 20-29, 2024

Haiku series #13
One haiku per day from prompts.

May 20, 2024 – waterfall
In a cloud of mist
Up the waterfall, Dragon
Granting the koi's wish


May 21, 2024 – shade
Refreshing shelter
Away from sweltering heat
The shade of a tree

May 22, 2024 – thunder (2)
A deep vibration
Rumbling in the distance. Angst
Storming our resolve

May 23, 2024 – cicada
When rise the first song
The drums of summer – sounding
The carefree season

May 24, 2024 – bamboo shoots
bamboos shoot upright
growing resilient with time
thriving of the wise

May 25, 2024 – cool
The cooling night breeze
Now distant memory. Heat
Sizzling to a freeze

May 26, 2024 – wellspring
Pure and crystal clear
Illusive infinity
Life gushing out

May 27, 2024 – cocoon
Cradled in your arms
Used to be a safe cocoon
Now burnt to ashes

Ringing in my ear
The silence replaced your voice
Screaming all my fears

And those who should hear
Have chosen to stand aside
And to watch us die

Yet another time
Never again has become
Never say never


May 28, 2024 – green leaves
vibrant green of spring
new leaves bright and fresh, with time
will be left wilted

May 29, 2024 – brief
One hundred haiku
Short and concise – poems for
A moment in time

And that concludes this little personal challenge of writing one haiku a day from prompts, for 100 days straight.
It's a very fitted coincidence that the 100th day's prompt was “brief”. A short-term ephemeral challenge for an art form that is brief in essence.

I will not stop writing haiku of course, or poetry, or anything else for that matter, but I will now focus on different things. Right now slightly longer forms of poetry and trying to make some progress on my novel. I'm also currently exploring classical Chinese poetry and I'm finding it quite mesmerizing, so yes, I am working on a poem in Chinese 🤯.

Anyway, stay tuned.

#Poems #Haiku #haikuseries #dailyhaiku #dailyhaikuprompt #poetry #shortpoem