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My writing about messaging and social networks

Messaging and social networks is a topic that has interested me for a few years, probably since around the time when I started using WhatsApp.

I'll plan to make this post a sticky one and come back and write a few words about a few topics. As a start and as a reminder to myself I've also written a few lines below on some of the topics I want to write about: (and if you have feedback or have already written about this and wants me to link, message me at )

Notably missing from the list above: Twitter and Facebook. I really never “got” any of those. In fact I seem to have the opposite problem of everyone else: I figure I should try to read more on Facebook to keep up to date with friends and family and then I forget about it. Days, weeks or even months may pass between each time the combination of these two happen: I want to check Facebook and I have time for it.

For Twitter I've tried repeatedly: it is supposed to be great but all I can see it spam and shouting and it kind of makes sense, who wants to talk reasonable in a place where everything is visible to everyone?

Looking at this, here is a few more things I'd probably want to write about as well:

Filed under #socialnetworking and #messaging