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Trying to spend more time on social media

Filed under #observations, #risingearly and #lifehacks

Another work day where I wake up early. But I've made a change to my early morning habits:

The plan is now:

  1. Get out of bed as soon as the alarm goes clock off
  2. Press snooze
  3. Get dressed
  4. Go downstairs
  5. Turn off the alarm
  6. Make coffe
  7. Press play on the podcast I am listening to
  8. Start browsing Instagram
  9. Stop browsing when podcast episode finishes

The second last item on that list might sound weird to almost everyone else but I can forget looking at or even thinking about Instagram for days or weeks.

That might sound great for someone who struggles with addiction to social media, and I guess it is less annoying and dangerous,but also means I miss out on a lot of what is happening.

So for now I'll try this to see if I can include a healthy dose of updates from friends and family.


I've been trying this for less than a week, so add a pinch of salt, but I feel I'm into an habit that can work well for a few weeks.