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UX challenge: transfer money between accounts

Filed under #ux and #challenges

Recently my bank delighted me by replacing the steps to transfer money between my own accounts by a vastly simplified version. Here's what the old version felt like:

Step 01: click transfer

Step 1: First move to the transfer tab.

Step 2.1: click on the from-account field.

Step 2.1: Open the drop down to select an account to transfer money from

Step 2.2: choose correct from-account.

Step 2.2: Select the account to transfer money from

Step 2.3: click select

Step 2.3: Touch Select

Step 3.1: click on the to-account.

Step 3.1: Select the account to transfer money to

Step 3.2 and 3.3: repeat step 2.2 and 2.3.

Step 4: click on the amount field, then type an amount and click OK.

Step 4: click on the amount field, then type an amount and click OK (yes, I'm feeling generous here).

Step 5: finally press transfer.

Step 5: finally click transfer

This gets old really fast but I wasn't aware just how bad it was until an improved flow showed up as part of the beta program that I participate in.

I'll leave this here in case anyone wants to give it a stab, and I'll try to get around to posting their solution.

BTW: illustrations are created using the excellent excalidraw, open source and reasonably easy to work with.

Feel free to send me a message if you have a better flow. I don't exactly have many readers so I don't expect this to happen but at least it is an option. I don't care. I write because I think writing is smart.