· ᚢᚦᚼᚱᚼᛒᚼᛒᛊᛒᚼ ·


“Flat Mountain Dispatches”

Formally experimental journal in a state of continuous flux.

Occasional lyric dispatches written from my home on Sofie's Mountain, Sweden. Interspersed with multiple-exposures shot on a Ricoh 500 ME.

This blog uses the Nord colour palette and is typeset in Libre Franklin and Libre Baskerville.

The sub-heading for this blog (· ᚢᚦᚼᚱᚼᛒᚼᛒᛊᛒᚼ ·) is copied from the Björketorp Runestone (RAÄ-nummer: Listerby 381 / Runsignum: DR 360) and translates roughly to, “I prophesy destruction”.
