An independent art collective operating in Bulgaria and Czechia. [Български]

SystemErr0 – An Exhibition

Anyone. Anyone. Anyone can change the world with just one little pencil.

The exhibition SystemErr0 shows how you can do this through examples of art-inspired changes in different systems worldwide.


Imagine you are walking down a busy boulevard in the morning. Your brain perceives familiar things—people, cars, dirty air, the sound of a horn, loud speech, and a clamor of children.

At the intersection before you cross the street you see this:

parking forbidden sign modified to say Police is forbidden

Some polite people have fixed the sign to reflect their feelings and show an active citizen position!

How would you react?

Be a Changemaker

The SystemErr0 wants to challenge you to react, not retreat. Any change in any system begins with action, not inaction!

one of the elements

Where to see it?

Two of the challenges can be seen from 5.3 to 29.3, 2025, in Ambit Gallery, Jungmannovo nám. 753 in Prague.


The majority of the work is licensed under Creative Commons CC BY-NC-SA 4.0 license.


If you want to support the exhibition and ensure that many people will see some of the inspirations, you can support us by donating Bitcoin via:

Contact us, if you want to support us in any other way!

Thank you!