You will find info, reviews, and tips about tech from a blind user's point of view here.

Contact Serena Tori

Hello! I'm Serena, also known as SerenaTori on social media. I'm thrilled that you want to get in touch with me. Whether you have a question, a suggestion, or just want to say hello, I'd love to hear from you.

Social Media


You can explore my writings on various blogs:

  1. Serena's Multiverse: This blog is a vibrant blend of product reviews, creative writings, poetry, disability-related insights, and more. Explore a universe of diverse content and perspectives.

  2. Insightful Screens – Exploring Accessibility and Tech: This blog delves into the world of accessibility and technology, providing valuable insights and information.

  3. Light and Shadow: Immerse yourself in a collection of short stories, creative narratives, and more on this blog. Explore the vivid tales and imaginative creations in the realm of “Light and Shadow.”

Thank you for visiting my blogs!

Your support means the world to me. I look forward to hearing from you and connecting with you on social media.

[Insert a contact form here if you have one.]