I read seriously; I write whimsically.


This is my space to play with ideas, perspectives, and words. I enjoy most introverty things, including books, mostly literary fiction; books about solitary people; dark characters, and suspense. I sometimes write about books, but I do not write book reviews.

I may write about other things; I have fun with slipstream and metafiction. A friend once said, “You write like you think.” My thinking is chaotic.

Anyhoo, I'm a getting-old British woman; I've been Sectioned under the Mental Health Act and was released from a long stint in a Psych Ward earlier this year. I lived in a halfway house for a time – that was interesting – and now I'm in my own flat. It suits me well.

I have a tendency to catastrophize and am likely to up and delete this site on a whim.​ But while it's here, no subject is off limits. I shall include trigger warnings.

I will probably post photos of the pigeons, seagulls, and crows that frequent my window ledge, for I find them entirely camera-worthy.

I am prone to exaggeration.