Derek Sivers is nice
As usual, the weekend (so far) has been filled with many lovely things that I won't be blogging about. And then we decided to finish Picard tonight as well. (I do have some thoughts on it, of course, but none worthy of the spoiler warning that would have to go with them. Drop me a line if you're interested in this diehard TNGer's take.)
I ran out of space with my rclone
project: it's a hard 15GB limit that doesn't seem to have touched the estimates on my actual Google account. I can't imagine a service account I create gets its own Google Drive allocation, but I don't know how else to explain what is going on. Suffice to say that it's been fun, but I'll have to think about what I might want to use that space for at another time. For now, I've picked up a 128GB SanDisk thumb drive for £15 and copied the Timeshift snapshot to it. (It's extraordinary, to me, that it takes a third of the physical space that the 4GB thumb drive that I still use does.)
I now feel like I'm on fairly firm ground with my backups. I'll still need to test them, down the road, if I can be bothered. To be honest, as long as I have a copy of my photos, videos and documents, rebuilding just seems like a chance to practice system administration. (Some would argue that creating and restoring functioning backups is a very important skill in that suite, of course. One that requires some effort to practice.)
I started watching Killswitch (2014) last night, curious to see more of Aaron Swartz. I'll write about that once I've finished it. I will say that I've already ordered a copy of Tim Wu's The Attention Merchants off the back of what I've seen, though.
I'll close with a nod to my Now page and Derek Sivers. You may have noticed that the former is linked at the top of my site; it's a .plan
file for the 21st century. And I mean that in the best possible way. I'm looking forward to exploring Sivers' body of work... (OK, I've just googled him now, and, my first thought is that I can't believe how accessible and friendly he is over email. Wow. OK, I'll probably have more to say on that in a future post; I certainly have a title for this one now.)
End of Day 40
jlj@Fosstodon #100DaysToOffload
I'm writing this as part of the 100 Days To Offload project; join us at: