OK, I have to knuckle under today. Friday is fast approaching. This will be my fifth certification exam in less than three months. The pace is tough, particularly with only a virtual water-cooler. I like working at home — and I've invested a lot in my (adjustable) standing desk and chair — but I think my ideal, in the future, will be a mix of home and office time. (Luckily, it's literally around the corner from me.)
I had a lot of short meetings yesterday, fairly spaced out. Already somewhat distracted, this was enough to completely kill the flow of the day; I simply couldn't get into my course. It was all, “Oh, I've only got 20 minutes until this,” “H'm, half hour 'til that.” The diary's open today, so I'm feeling more confident.
I'm really enjoying this. The technical aptitude test, combined with these certifications and a welcoming team, mean that impostor syndrome isn't a monkey on my back for the first time in living memory. It simply can't be overstated: the relief behind that statement.
OK, enough. Let the flow commence.