The musings of an aspiring carver of space

It feels like cloud exploded

I went to school, learned how to learn, learned a bunch about software at the same time, and then entered government; oh, and took a five-year hiatus, shall we say, to work (myself down to the nub) in the health and social care sector.

Then I came back, and the tech sector was talking about everything I knew in a historical context; and I mean, get a deep breath, 'cause we got loads of dust to scatter, historical context. Heck, I was just starting to get my head around virtualisation before I left everything that could be considered tech behind. And now I'm back with both feet, and the cloud, containers, automation, wildcard-aaS are everywhere.

Don't get me wrong: I am so excited to be back, and being paid just to get up to speed on all this stuff is beyond my wildest dreams, frankly. But, for example, today I'm trying to get my head 'round all the various backends Terraform supports (so that you don't have to risk exposing your secrets in static storage). And I don't recognise half the names:

It is an exciting time to be alive. The question I keep asking myself is, how do all these companies make money?

End of Day 9

jlj #100DaysToOffload

I'm writing this as part of the 100 Days To Offload project; join us at: