The musings of an aspiring carver of space

Study fatigue is real

Gonna be a quick one today — yeah, I know I've said that before, but I mean it this time — as I've gotta figure out whether I can actually pass this exam tomorrow, have tea, and then be social at the company's virtual pub quiz. (I bailed on the last one to study — for a different exam that I did pass \o/ — so I'm not doing that again.)

I did have a productive day, at least. So that's me batting .500 this week, I'd say. Not great, but better than I expected yesterday afternoon.

(Streeetch) 'K., got my Pumped! playlist on repeat. Home stretch; let's do this!

End of Day 5

jlj #100DaysToOffload

I'm writing this as part of the 100 Days To Offload project; join us at: