This Life and Fire!
What a day! Not a productive one, at all, unfortunately, despite my best efforts. Well, maybe not my best efforts: I was the one who volunteered to step up as team leader for the virtual pub quiz tomorrow so that our actual leader can enjoy his wedding anniversary. (Or, in his words, so he can continue to have wedding anniversaries.) Didn't really need that distraction.
Then our neighbour decided to let their huge plant pot of cigarette butts accumulate to overflowing. Beyond that, I have no idea what led to the column of black smoke out our back window. Madness. This is why people don't like town-houses or row-houses or whatever the bloody hell folks call them in this country; can't think, I'm still so wound up about it.
But enough of that. This is supposed to be a part of relaxing transition from working to dad.
We watched the finale of This Life over lunch. (I've tried to write this next sentence seven times now. I don't know how to express how impressed I was with this show.) The writing alone was just stellar. It's set the bar, in my head, for a writing team: I can't remember how many different writers were credited over all the episodes, but it's like they were of one mind. Incredible. Acting was excellent as well. Directing was a bit hit and miss, but nothing too distracting. Well done, BBC, I say, and not for the first time.
I need a beer.
End of Day 4
jlj #100DaysToOffload
I'm writing this as part of the 100 Days To Offload project; join us at: