"cultures are virtual realities made of language"
i only know pop science
"wieso bist du muede?
dieser eine "mitpatient" oder "mit-problemkind" in der jugendaufnahme - ich...
it is certain, im so sure with it: while i write to her she writes with the...
"It was such hallucinatory compositions, giving a visual manifestation to the...
"we can be artificial characters, we really can be an internet citizen, this is...
midnight in paris, 1:05
if a bunch of humans only run around in serile, anorganic rooms, houses and...
From the Wikipedia page of Fermat: "Secrecy was common in European mathematical...
well illustrated here:
Very very interesting talk with this chemical student about his exam: they are...
"Ein Stern hat gescheint, ich bin ein Keim."
der halbgute psychologe von damals, als er gerufen wird, dass ein monster seine...
How some things and opinions get obscured and "locked away" into categories:
from an online discussion [1] on schizophrenia:
the celebration around the table laid with beautifuly designed dishes, on the...
kathmandu, nepal, seems to be associated with datura use
it is slightly amusing noticing how i stay away from media and movies, afraid...
why is she just saying "well ehh i dont know what to reply" and then "i have to...