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january 2025

Filterworld: How Algorithms Flattened Culture by Kyle Chayka. Reviewed on the fediverse.

Man who makes mirrors for cycling with used beer caps and old bicycle spokes.

Masako: Jazz, Coffee, and Minyo Crusaders at Shimokitazawa’s Oldest Jazz Kissa, a jazz cafe I’d like to visit in Tokyo

Photo of Japanese woman shelving some records

I found the art of Tirzah Garwood and posted a bit of it. Here’s a painting from her last year on earth, she was sick with breast cancer but happily painting and died at age 42.

Stumbled on Maine Bike Works whilst running half-national craiglist searches for niche bikes and parts (craiglist search map only fits half the continental US in its fully extended search circle). I’d like to stop in and say hi if i ever go back to Maine.

Kept thinking about a post from LA artist Kwasi Boyd-Bouldin about the role of artists and independent thinkers in a post-consensus reality world. Bought one of their zines and subscribed to their newsletter because of a thoughtful post about making art and being an artist beyond social media’s stranglehold. Here’s a link from their blog of art they did for LA Libraries:

Saw a clip from the 2012 indie film Children of Men which prompted me to want to watch the whole thing

i’ve been chasing spaces like this my whole life, so reading this piece on public community space with gusto: “Third spaces hold a place in history not just for facilitating friendship and community, but making meaningful societal change.”

A day in 2030, a very sweet video of nature sounds and people’s voices sharing the beautiful futures they’re living in. It was created by Temujen Gunawardena, Live Event Illustrator & Animator

honestly i would love to build and ride this with friends

group of people riding a multi person cargo bike that is totally amazing

A cool blog of Shannon Mattern’s work at the intersection of libraries, architecture, public space, urban design — https://wordsinspace.net/