Second Edition

Recipes, Recipes, Recipes

The first batch of recipes are from the Mead-Lover's Digest. We've edited them for clarity, while also trying to preserve the spirit of the originals. Also, we've tried to touch the authors' original comments as little as possible, since some of them cover things I haven't covered yet in the book. I hope you find them helpful. Here's a blurb on the MLD that its coordinator asked we include:

The Mead-Lover's Digest is an electronic forum for meadmakers and mead-lovers to discuss all aspects of mead: recipes, ingredients, techniques, history. (Most of the day-to-day discussion tends to be about making mead).

To sign up for the Digest: Send e-mail with the subject “Subscribe”, with your full name and your e-mail address in the message, to: The Mead Lover's Digest

About the Digest: The Mead-Lover's Digest was created in Fall, 1992 to help people interested in mead find one another, discuss mead, and exchange information.

An issue of the Digest is sent out about every two or three days, depending on the amount of material submitted. As of April, 1997, more than 550 issues of the Digest had appeared. A typical issue is between 200 and 500 lines (about 8 – 30 KB). Distribution is worldwide.

The Digest is a non-commercial, strictly volunteer effort by/for mead folk. The caretaker of the digest is currently Dick Dunn.

And here are a few more of Dave's recipes, new to the 1995 html version of this book.

Note also that the #recipe hashtag should show all the pages within Mead Made Easy which I have tagged as recipes.

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