Libraries and democracy. Both good ideas.

The Dept. of Speculation

cover of the audio book

The Dept. of Speculation by Jenny Offill is the first book I finished this year. I started it on audio, a while back. Libby does a nice thing and holds your place, no matter it seems how long it takes to get back to it. And I did. This morning’s walk gave me time to finish it.

This is the second of Jenny Offill’s books I’ve read. I’ve liked both of them. And yet.

And yet I keep expecting something more from them. Like I keep waiting for something to happen. They are lives lived with ordinary heartbreak. Which somehow doesn’t feel enough. But I can’t work out why. Perhaps it is because they seem to be blind to the context in which the lives are led. As if the books have an insular and self-centered point of view. Even if hearts are breaking and people are loved. The world around does not ever seem to intrude.

Other perspectives:

  1. John Self in The Guardian
  2. Jody Handerson in The Literary Review

Logistics: Checked out from the library and read on audio while walking the dog. Book 01 finished 2 January.

#read2022 #JennyOffill
