
After decades in the wilderness, chasing myself through valleys of spiritual shadow, I returned to the Lord Christ in recent years. I have walked my journey and seen enough to be convinced of the utter truth of the Gospel and Jesus' claims to be “the way, the truth and the life” and that no one “comes to the Father except through [Him]“.

I am also a flawed human being who has a tonne of demons to struggle with. I am not here to argue anyone into the Kingdom of God, as no one can enter without the Holy Spirit drawing them. However, if something I write resonates and gets you thinking, I am cool with that.

Related to that, debates bore me, and online debates are the pointless posturing of weak egos. When I was asked by an atheist if one of 30 people thought to take a video of a healing at a church prayer meeting, as if someone would burst out “Hang on! I got to video this!” in the middle of a prayer meeting, I realised many just don't want to get it. Debates are for pontificating prats.

Am I going to offend you? Probably. Let's be honest. I won't intend to, but the odds are leaning in that direction. Whatever I write here is what I honestly think.

Faith is meant to be lived on the sleeve. I have offended quite a few with just putting the Gospel of Christ into practice.

Blessings to you and may the Lord Christ Jesus keep you.