Angry People

As Christians, is it ok to make people angry? In short, yes. Allow me to spit-ball here and think out loud with barely any Biblical references or authority for what I am about to write.

Jesus did not compromise the truth. Where He saw sin, He called people out on it. He made quite a number of people furious and, in the end, that cost Him His life. Well, for three days, anyway. From the Samaritan woman to the man whose friends brought him in on a mat, Jesus did not let the issue of sin slide by with a patronising “God understands and accepts your sin” garbage that is so common to these days.

What I do find interesting, and worthy of note, is that Jesus seemed to have upset religious folk a hell of a lot more than He did those outside the power structures of the religious establishment. Let's be clear on this. Jesus mingled with religious people everywhere. They were basically all religious, from Roman to Jew to Greek to Persian. It was the Pharisees and Sadducees whose skin Jesus really got under. It was the religiously powerful who Jesus called out and said were white washed tombs. Try walking into the Vatican, say that and see what happens. Dare you.

This specific targeting does not mean Jesus was against organised religion. Plenty of Jews who He appealed to were part of the synagogue system. They might have been more on its power periphery, but they were part of an organised religion. His disciples were the same – part of organised religion. What Jesus seemed to have issues with was when that organisation used its power and position to make it almost impossible for the ordinary person to find their way to God. By so doing, they were doing the work of the Enemy and proving they were rather the children of the devil.

Are we to provoke people deliberately? No. Are we to stand up for Biblical, God-revealed truth? Absolutely, yes. And that in itself will hack a lot of people off and they will hate us. God does not change. The Law does not change, except where Jesus Himself modified it, such as the dietary requirements and adultery.

We are also to remember that we do not wage a fight against flesh and blood. It is a spiritual contest where powers and authorities have sway over those who have rejected God. Bear that in mind before you open your mouth to abuse someone because they abuse you. Remember the other cheek?

This is me thinking aloud. As always, check whatever I say with your Bible. You might have a different take and that is cool with me. May the Lord Christ bless you and guard you, keeping the wind at your back and the sun warming your face.

Photo by Sushil Nash on Unsplash