Prayer Journals

Journaling is a bit of a cliché. Even in Christian circles, it has been banged on about and flogged like a dead horse that has already gone to the glue factory. What needs to be asked is are the people who rabbit on about prayer journals actually onto something? Does it come with any benefits? Despite initial misgivings and only doing it because someone in YWAM said it was good, there actually might be something of worth in journaling.

Benefit 1 – Memory
For those who suffer from a wickedly bad memory, the benefits are clear. Why is the Lord doing something in your life that might not be fun? Check back in your prayer diary. In my case, He was answering a prayer I had made a few months before. It only took a year or so to realise that I should check back and see what I was praying for. Literally, I had asked for it. A journal is not only a record of your dumber prayers, but it is also a record of what was pumping through different seasons in your life. You forget stuff. That is life. A journal reminds you that not everything is a deep, steaming pit of excrement.

Benefit 2 – Distilling
No. This does not mean making vodka. Keeping a journal makes you distil what could be a chaotic mess of prayer into its essential points. It clarifies what happened and gives you the important stuff that is required. The very act of writing it down requires a person to take stock of and clearly express their prayers.

Benefit 3 – Holy Spirit
The Holy Spirit has a chance to move more, even if He has done something wild while you were praying. The Holy Spirit has asked me to do a few odd things over the years as I have been writing in my journal, often related to what I had just prayed about. While you are focused on the prayers you have made and getting them ordered in your own mind, the Holy Spirit has an opportunity to dig deeper and push you to take a step of faith more.

Should every Christian have a journal? Probably not. Some would say, and rightly, that Jesus never kept a journal. I could respond that He had four other people destined to do it for Him, but that is not the point. Jesus prayed and that was it. As far as I know, there are no references in the New Testament about people keeping prayer journals. However, I am sure Jesus would say, “If it works for you, go ahead.” And that is crux. Journals need to work for you. If they don't, then don't.