Rethinking and Conviction

As an emerging writer, I have had a few different projects running at the same time for the last four years or so. These have been mostly novels, short stories and novellas in science fiction and cosmic horror. It has all been going very well, at least as far as production is concerned. The emerging thing is still ongoing.

What has been on my mind recently is the Parable of the Talents and how I (and Christians) use our talent. I have a lot of time going into my writing social presence online (Substack and Bluesky), not mention the writing itself. One question that popped into my head recently was who is getting the glory for this particular talent? Am I glorifying God or seeking my own?

In writing novels, I think, it is seeking my own. However, I have a lot of ideas that spring to mind. The execution of those ideas might be a bit lacking, (I don't pretend to be a master writer), but the ideas come and develop easily. At least, there is potential to entertain others. Yet, the core reason for it is to get my name out there.

In a space like Pardone Eretik, the focus can be more on God. Says he who is writing this article about himself. God just does not catch a break with me.

Returning to the topic, I have something of a quandary. I like writing. I enjoy doing it. How can I bring glory to God in the spaces where I write? I am not sure I can do the “Christian Sci-Fi” thing. I have never been very good with allegories and symbols. It might come later. That leaves focusing more on overt Christian writing and getting some thoughts out there. The contrast with fiction is that I can go months with nothing worth saying.

In the end, we all need to live lives that bring glory to the name of Jesus Christ. In doing that, we also have a mandate to win people to the Gospel. In these, I am on a journey, as will you be. I am not sure where this will end, but that is part of the fun.

Thanks for reading my drivel. May the Lord Christ bless you and walk with you today!

Photo by Pereanu Sebastian on Unsplash