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A minimal CP/M file transfer channel
Getting errors for basic disk access functions was a reminder WordStar must be...
Configuring disk drives for WordStar on CP/M
Troubleshooting a V20-MBC connection issue
There's more to linking than crediting sources
Files left out of the V20-MBC and Z80-MBC2
I migrated my Mastodon account to Fosstodon
V20-MBC homebrew computer: first impressions
I want my bezels back
I'm getting a V20-MBC homebrew computer
A quick look at UCSD p-System on the Z80-MBC2
My favorite tech and creator newsletters
An emulator for testing CP/M programs
Impractical Python Projects and Real-World Python
Over the three years I ran my discontinued Blogger blog I published 146 posts.
First attempt at porting a Z80 led blink demo to 8080
Addressing blog readers: I vs you
The quest for NASM Assembly .COM sources
My post on why I use a Chromebox went viral on Hacker News