My first 200 blog posts with Write.as
Checking out CuteCom
My bumpy encounter with Matrix
Pascal programming books
In praise of cheap keyboards
Testing Write.as Fediverse media embeds
I assumed in Turbo Pascal for CP/M, when printing to a terminal, writeln wraps...
Reading PDF files with Google Play Books on Android
Conversion scripts for CP/M file transfers
Fixing the Turbo Pascal terminal configuration on CP/M
Using a Bluetooth keyboard on Android
The Fediverse presence @paolo@journal.paoloamoroso.com of this blog has some...
Using IMSAI BASIC on the V20-MBC
How to comment on Paolo Amoroso's blog
Rediscovering Turbo Pascal
Reading Shareware Heroes
On this blog I regularly share my retrocomputing experience and projects with...
How to make Bash scripts read from stdin
Why I don't handwrite
Where to download CP/M-86 software