A Few Things I Learned Mapping Microclimates
A microclimate is an area where the climate is just a bit different from the surrounding areas. Usually they refer to small places, like the side of a building that is sheltered from the north wind but catches the full sun. Or the curved edge of a forest that blocks the sizzling western sun. Or the corner of a pasture that stays boggy all the time. Think about sun, wind, and moisture, and also how these are different with the seasons.
It's harder to identify microclimates in the dead of winter. Usually the differences in climate encourage differences in vegetation. There currently isn't much vegetation. Just red deadnettle all over the place.
Google Slides' polyline tool is the most infuriating thing.
Google Slides' tendency to jump the screen all around when trying to click in it while zoomed in is also crazy making.
I can download the slides and work on them in PowerPoint and then put them back. Waaaaaaaay better. Going to do that for every assignment from now on. Libraries sometimes have PowerPoint on their public computers, so that's an option for others as well.
I may have split the hairs too fine on the microclimates. I put three different kinds of pasture land and two different kinds of shaded land. Also the edge of the pond hasn't been allowed to grow the things edges of ponds should grow, so it's not that different from pasture land itself, but I still put it as a distinct microclimate.
#PermacultureDesignCertificate #PDC #OregonStateUniversity #permaculture