Some Things I Learned About Zones
So a zone describes an area of a property by how much attention or what kind of activities go on there. Zone 0 is the dwelling. Zone 1 is where multiple-times-daily activities go on. Arriving, leaving, getting the mail, getting herbs for the next meal, walking the dog, stuff like that. Zone 5 is completely unmanaged, where you hardly ever go at all and don't mess with anything. The other zones are a spectrum between these.
My Zone 1 where I walk the dogs is my uncle's Zone 4, where he just bush hogs 3 times per year and takes the occasional 4-wheeler ride.
I marked the back yard between Dad's house and the Man Cave, as well as my uncle's yard between his house and the barn, as Zone 2 because it's for hanging out and doing projects like making boat paddles or playing with a rocket stove. They don't do these things every day or even every week.
Zone 4 is really the majority of the land.
#PermacultureDesignCertificate #PDC #OregonStateUniversity #permaculture