The Methuselah papers – Elder regions & deep time, living economy & tools for conviviality


Here we introduce the poetics of this practice of writing these papers. We mean, the aesthetic frame within which the work of writing is conducted and, behind that, the work of engagement in-here and out-there – the politics of (re)production, making a living economy – in furtherance of which the work of writing is performed.

For now these are outline notes, but in time we’ll blog them into more fulness, and develop some patterns within the foprop frame. Some elements of poetics can be seen as ontological, and some as methodological – though the distinction isn't hard and fast.

Ontological – Our relationships in the world

‘Ontological’ means: regarding what-there-is in the activist's world, and speaking of what our relationships are, with this or that kind of stuff. As follows:

Methodological – Our intentions in the dance

And ‘methodological’ means: regarding intentions, and concerned with performance (the dancing of the dance):