A Parkinson's recovery journey

Is there interest in a support group?

[Updated: 7/30/20; 8/11/20]

A friend and I would like to invite interested readers to a monthly support group to be held via Zoom session or conference call. Our hope is to generate support, information sharing, and inspiration in a small group of like-minded folks interested in the Janice Walton-Hadlock approach to PD. This will be free and leaderless, though my friend and I are glad to handle the logistics. To gauge interest in such a group I invite you to email me through the contact form on my regular website. If we get enough interest we will work out the details through email and schedule the first session. Let me know if you're interested!

Update – 7/30/20: We've had enough response that the group will almost surely be happening. Details will be worked out soon through email.

Update – 8/11/20: I'll incorporate subsequent updates into the pinned post about the support group at the top of the page.