For Readers:
Queer Books Weekly is run by Dax Murray, a non-binary fantasy author and service dog handler. Each week, you can find books with LGBTQIA+ protagonists that are $5.99 or less! Once a month, we have a roundup of new releases and author spotlights!
We try to link to as many store fronts, retailers, and markets as possible. Not just Amazon, but we love Kobo, Itchio, Campfire, and more, too! If a book is available at your favorite store, we do our best to work with authors to make sure it's listing here has that store! We also love featuring on-going and completed serials, web novels, and even comics when possible.
RSS Feed
Prefer to subscribe via an RSS reader? We have an RSS feed, too!
Heat Levels Spice Levels:
There is no standard which everyone follows, and this would be a great place to reference the XKCD comic about standards. But this is the one we use at Queer Books Weekly:
🍭: No romance or no physical intimacy.
🌶: Some kissing, clothes on,
🌶🌶: Closed door / fade to black,
🌶🌶🌶: Open door but vague and euphemistic,
🌶🌶🌶🌶: Open door, explicit and graphic,
🌶🌶🌶🌶🌶: Multiple intimate scenes with open door graphic intimacy.
We made this based on looking at other scales and adapting it to what we believe our readers want, without shaming or falling into the “clean/dirty” dichotomy.
When it comes to non-sexual physical activities that often have some relationship to sexual intimacy, such as shibari or other forms of kinks that aren’t strictly sexual, we as that you provide a content warning that non-sexual kink or non-sexual BDSM acts take place but use the pepper scale for sexual intimacy.
A Note on Generative AI:
We do not knowingly accept works that used generative AI for the cover or the text. We ask all authors to confirm that they do not use genAI in the creation of their book, but we do not have the time to read/review each submission and have no reliable way to check other than potentially 'gut feelings.' If you believe a book was featured that does not adhere to this policy, please reach out privately and I will decide whether to discuss it with the author.
There is an unfortunate uptick in scammers selling genAI covers and claiming they were handrawn and authors being unable to tell, inadvertently leading to them using a genAI cover. There's also been an uptick in authentic cover artists falsely having their covers labeled as genAI despite them having documented proof via work-in-progress snapshots. I want no harassment of any authors featured here so please bring any concerns to me in private. I err on the side of trusting the authors to be honest.
A Note About Affiliate Links
Some links on this site, specifically links to Kobo, Bookshop.org, and Amazon at this time, may be affiliate links. That means Queer Books Weekly does get a small commission when you purchase something from our page. This helps keep the site running and is invested back into improving what we can.
For Authors
If you are an author and want to promote your book, comic, serial, visual novel, etc, here, [please see the scheduling page](NOTE: We are moving. You can still book here for February 2025, but we would prefer it if you used our new site: https://booking.queerbooksweekly.com “Schedule your promotion”). We have weekly lists and end of the month new release round ups. Promoting your book is free, but you can contribute $5-$10 towards the running and maintenance of the site to have your book featured more prominently via Book of the Week or Author Spotlights. Dax also features two SFF books every other week in their personal newsletter. You can find the sign-up for all of these on our booking page.
In the form, it will ask you for links. You can provide a universal book link (books2read, bookfunnel landing page, storyorigin landing page) or provide individual links. We accept links for all major retailers and many smaller ones, too. Basically, if you aren't linking to a pirate site, we're cool with it. Share your ScribbleHubs, share your free Patreon pages, share your Itchio and Campfire pages. This isn't an Amazon only or Amazon focused book promotion site! You can even share your free reader magnets if you want to drive newsletter sign-ups (just tell us in the submission!)
I encourage you to sign up for the weekly email, too, so you can see your book featured in your email box and check out the other awesome books.
Queer Books Weekly does not collect reader data except what is provided for the purpose of sending the newsletter should a reader sign up to get those email messages. No tracking software or analytics software is used on this site.
If you are an author and at any point wish to have your books entries removed from the site, please email me at qbw@daxmurray.com. I shall remove all information as soon as possible.
This site uses write.as, a privacy focused platform. You can read their own privacy policy here.