February 18th – Queer Deals and Steals
It’s officially Aromantic Spectrum Awareness Week and we have several books in today’s deals and steals that can help you out if you’re trying to read as many aro books this week as possible! Check back at the end of the week when we will have our Aro Week list!
✨ Book of the Week ✨
Representation: Non-binary, Aromantic, Asexual
Spice Levels: 🍭
Horace has more failed apprenticeships to eir name than e can count, yet that doesn’t stop em from risking the last one to befriend the powerful, amnesiac elf that saved em, and embark in a sentient self-propelling Wagon to help them figure out their past.
In honor of Aro Week, Claudie Arseneault has a special Itchio bundle! Get Awakenings for only $1.20 OR get SIX books for $15 in her special bundle! Along with RoAnna Sylver and Emery Lee, Claudie Arseneault is also running a Kickstarter for Common Bonds 2 – a second anthology of aromantic SFF fiction centering platonic relationships where you can get even more aro fiction as an add-on reward!
The Handler's Gambit
Science Fiction
Spice Level: 🍭
Representation: Aromantic, Asexual, Other
“Cmd. Boone hates working for the bad guy. He hates sending people to their deaths. But more than anything, he hates having to hide his deadly secret from his superiors. When assigned to handle a reckless assassin created to end humankind, he forms an escape plan. But the assassin has an agenda of her own, threatening to reveal his secret and end both their lives...horribly.”
Ebook: 2.99
Direct from Author || StoryOrigin || Itchio || Kobo || Amazon || Other Retailers
Moth and the Gloaming Lance
Fantasy, Horror, Mystery, Thriller
Representation: Gay, Trans man
Spice Levels: 🌶🌶
Moth and the Gloaming Lance is the first in a series that follows runaway knight “Moth”. Together with his lover, a meek blacksmith named Shy, and his long-lost, illustrious friend, Godlef, Moth leaves his home to find out what has become of his parents, their kingdom, and the world at large.
|| Smashwords || Elsewhere
THIS WEEK ONLY: Discounted to $4.99! (Regularly $7.99)
No Experience Necessary
Get a free short story when you sign up for Alex’s newsletter
Spice Level: 🌶️🌶️🌶️🌶️🌶️
Representation: Gay
Eighteen and desperate for work, Jake's prospects seem dire. Fate lands him a job, along with his first, confusing attraction to another man. Ashton's confident and ambitious, but as wary of their 7 year age gap as he is of Jake's inexperience. Can a relationship coexist with the expectations of Jake's community, or would it have been better had neither man realized his true desires?
Itchio || Kobo || Smashwords || Amazon || Elsewhere
Ebook: “$4.99”
The Warm Machine
Visit the special website to meet the robots!
Science Fiction, Dystopian
Spice Level: 🍭
Representation: Gay
When a robot built for construction work first sees an angular, sleek prototype military robot slink onto the base he’s working outside of, he immediately falls in love. The problem is, only anomalous bots understand the concept of love, and the lowly laborbot has not deviated from his default programming once. So he thinks, anyway. When the laborbot is scheduled for decommission, the military bot cannot possibly live without him, and the two bots set out on a path to find the fabled anomalous robot utopia Root.
Direct From Author || Itchio || Amazon || Nook || Smashwords ||
Ebook: 4.99
The Myriad of Simon Hansen
Spice Level: 🌶️🌶️
Representation: Achillean, Gay
What if “The Secret Diary of Adrian Mole” had been written by an American in 1990s Ireland with a found family, a nervous taste for other guys, and a bad case of insomnia? “Tam is convinced he saw a nymph today. I saw her too, and nymph isn’t that far off the mark as a comparison, but Tam’s got it in his head that she’s a nymph maybe in the folkloric sense as well. What is definite—what we can both agree on—is that neither of us has ever seen anyone like her before. ” When Simon and his pal stumble across a young woman with a dark past, life at their Dublin bookshop changes forever. Devoted to his Irish crew—and grateful to them for helping him escape his own bleak background—Simon puts more focus on making their dreams come true than he does on overcoming the trauma he’s still locked in, one that keeps him isolated in the middle of a growing crowd. He’s getting to know himself better through his journal entries, though—the ones no one else is ever allowed to read.
Ebook: 4.99
Thanks so much for taking the time to check out these deals and steals in queer lit! Hopefully you found your next favorite read! And don’t forget to stop by again on Friday when we will be sharing our list of top Aromantic Reads!
Are you an author and want to submit your book for our aromantic list? There’s still time!