My thinking now is that what I first thought was a touch of food poisoning, and...
Hope I'm not coming down with some kind of "bug." Vomited up my sliced ham...
A low-key, successful Monday is now in the books.
A good day with Sylvia, a good day with the Knights at Mass this morning, and...
Major accomplishment today was finding the perscription for my new eyeglasses.
Surprised, (though I shouldn't be), at how fatigued both physically and...
Watching weather reports to track the line of storms set to roll through San...
Nearly Noon now, and I've policed our dining room a bit.
Oh, man! It's going to be hard to keep my eyes open.
A busy day, this Monday. A good start to a busy week, I hope.
Having a "pretty good" Sunday.
Well, shoot! The Rangers lost to the Royals this afternoon, final score was 10...
A strange day.
I was planning to take care of some other business on the side while listening...
Lord, what a long day this has been. And I am bone-tired.
This has been one odd, barely productive Tuesday.
Waiting patiently for a technician from the Water Company to come look at an...
Up again with some pretty significant insomnia.
So here I was, about to post on what a nice, quiet day this Sunday has been...
Rather pleased with all I accomplished today; that mountain of paperwork back...