Roscoe's Quick Notes
my micro-blog
About me
The one major chore I was going to handle today?
After a busy start to this week, I assigned myself only one major chore today,...
Very tired tonight after a very long day. And that's to be expected, I guess.
When I woke this morning there were two problems facing me: my printer had...
Well, Crap! My main printer stopped working earlier this even as I was trying...
Have moved from the front room where I followed NCAA basketball and PGA Golf...
Decision made.
Expecting a good Friday.
With an off-hand comment this evening, Sylvia saved me from a world of...
So today is Wednesday.
My day was productive early, then ...
One very full Monday is almost in the books.
So tomorrow I have an annual in-office Drs.
One quiet and happy Saturday.
This has been a quiet Friday.
Headed to bed early again tonight and hoping for another good sleep.
What a full day it's already been! Figured and filed my federal taxes, wrote a...
Today finds me parked in front of the computer for several hours as I build the...
Happy to report I'm feeling much better today than yesterday.
Feeling slightly unwell today.
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