Roscoe's Quick Notes
my micro-blog
About me
For those keeping score: Went to bed ~9:00 PM, woke wide-awake ~1:00 AM, Only...
Another long day, this Friday.
Another busy day, this Thursday.
A very long day, this Wednesday in the Roscoe-verse, but a good one.
It's been a good Tuesday.
Cold, drizzly weather convinced me that it would be wiser to stay home and...
Will I EVER learn?
My busy Saturday has started well, but it started much earlier than I'd planned.
Pacing and time management are going to be very important over the next week.
Running out of free space on my smart phone.
Wow! A solid 7.5 hour sleep! And I woke naturally, 10 minutes before my first...
Today found me stressed much more than I'd prefer.
Late night news of a personal nature.
A very restful Sunday.
Playing wounded? I can do that pretty well.
One of the happiest moments of most Fridays is when I can switch off the alarm...
Early evening of another quiet day.
Late afternoon sliding into evening as I sit here at the keyboard.
Up early today.
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